Saturday, November 19, 2011


YOGOWYPI has been my mantra for years. For those of you have been to my presetations you know that it is the underlying them behind everything I speak about. It a simple concept really: You Only Get Out What You Put In. I have several "Rules" that apply to the YOGOWYPI concept. In this Blog I will randomly post them as they occur to me.

YOGOWYPI Rule #1: You can get by...the question is who wants to just get by. We live in a great country. A country that has so many programs available to us that we will most likely survive. We can survive high school, college, our jobs, family, even the difficult times in life. We will likely survive. So we can show up, give the speech, do the job, go through the motions, get grades good enough to move on. In most cases you are going to survive. If you are reading this, you have survived. You have made it to this place in life. Congratulations. But is that all life is survival, biological functions, going through the motions. I think life is more about "THRIVING THAN SURVIVING". Thriving in difficult times is about the extra effort, enjoying the moments, embracing the challenges and creating the memories. What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail, and you knew you were going to survive? You are better off doing that! Go do the thing that you fear...then you will own the power that the fear had over you. Create a Memory. Thrive!

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